Specialist Materials

'Pure Maths and Statistics for Actuarial Studies' is designed to help students improve their maths and statistics skills in preparation for the Core Principles subjects. It is a reference document (available in both paper and eBook formats) to which students can refer when they need help on a particular topic. Each chapter contains explanatory notes, examples and practice questions to test understanding.

The Actuarial Profession produces guidance on the mathematics and statistics assumed knowledge required by students joining the profession. 'Pure Maths and Statistics for Actuarial Studies' reflects this guidance and therefore covers virtually all of the maths and statistics required for the Core Principles subjects. Unlike other mathematical textbooks it is geared specifically towards actuarial students.

There are different packages available depending on how much support is required. The three study packages available are:

  • Bronze Package

    The Bronze Study Package gives the choice of an eBook or hard copy of the textbook. The textbook contains comprehensive notes explaining all topics, numerous worked examples with solutions, and many additional practice questions with summary solutions.

  • Silver Package

    As well as the textbook, the Silver Study Package gives access to our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) containing online Study Manuals, tests and two realistic Practice Exams. The Study Manual gives a step-by-step guide to studying each chapter of the textbook including shortcuts to help efficient study. An online Introductory Test for each chapter indicates how much time to spend studying the material. The online Progress Test at the end of each chapter allows students to check their understanding of the material. The Silver Study Package also includes full solutions to the textbook practice questions. Each Practice Exam contains 60 questions.

    The Silver Study Package gives many more questions than the Bronze Package to help consolidate learning. Access to the online materials lasts up to 13 months from the date of purchase.

  • Gold Package

    In addition to all the benefits of the Silver Study Package, the Gold Study Package gives access, through the VLE, to our comprehensive pre-recorded Online Tutorials. The easily-searched collection of online tutorial units have been produced by our dedicated team of tutors, who have vast experience in teaching actuarial science. This package also gives access to a dedicated online discussion forum.

    Access to the VLE lasts 13 months from date of purchase.

    The price for the Bronze Package is £50
    The price for the Silver Package is £75
    The price for the Gold Package is £100

The course covers the maths and statistics ideas needed for the study of Subjects CM1, CM2, CS1 and CS2. Many of the topics covered are beyond the scope of A-Level or Higher Level syllabuses.

The topics covered by the course include:

  • Differentiation and integration techniques
  • Vectors and matrices
  • Algebra, including summation of series and binomial expansions
  • Averages and measures of spread
  • Probability
  • Permutations and combinations
  • Discrete and continuous random variables
A sample of the textbook can be downloaded at the end of this section.

Students with numerate degrees and a good memory of the topics covered in A-Level or Higher Level maths and statistics may not need to purchase this course. Many other students (particularly those with less numerate degrees or those whose maths is a little rusty) will benefit greatly from the study material and practice questions provided by this course.

We have written an Initial Assessment to students decide if they would benefit from this course. There are 25 questions which are typical of problems that will be encountered in the context of the actuarial exams and which are covered in detail in the course. Students should attempt the Initial Assessment without reference to a textbook and should take around 90 minutes to complete the task.

The Initial Assessment and full solutions are available at the end of this section.

There are just a few topics that aren't covered so there are documents relating to those topics below:

Click on the appropriate icon to download the file. The documents are in Adobe Acrobat format, and you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print it. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.

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Download a sample of the textbook; download the contents page.

Download the Initial Assessment; download the solutions to the Initial Assessment.

Click on the appropriate icon to download the file. The documents are in Adobe Acrobat format, and you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print it. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.

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