South African Study Materials
Note for retakers: To order a product at a reduced price for retakers, select the relevant product and then set the retaker option in the Shopping cart screen.

Delivery of study materials
Please order your study materials well in advance of when you would like to use them. Our materials are printed to order and even material despatched to the UK may take 2 weeks or longer to be delivered. All of our printed products are also available as eBooks and so you may wish to consider these to avoid delivery delays and any despatch costs. Orders for eBooks are usually processed in 2-3 working days.

   Click on a product to add it to your shopping cart
    Product    Related product
        A211 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        A211 - Course Notes
(Buy both)    
        A213 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        A213 - Course Notes
(Buy both)    
        A213 - Paper B Online Resources
        A311 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        F102 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        F103 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        F105 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        F108 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    
        N211 - Combined Materials Pack
(Buy both)    



Materials & Marking Bundle

You can order all your favourite distance-learning products in one click by selecting the Materials & Marking Bundle. Where available this includes the Combined Materials Pack with Assignment Marking, Flashcards, Revision Notes, ASET, and Mock Exam with marking.

You may wish to also order some electronic products such as e-books, and don't forget to order your tuition (face-to-face or online) to supplement your home studies.

The products for the Materials & Marking bundle are shown separately in your shopping cart, so if there's anything you don't want then you can remove it in the shopping cart page as normal.

CB2 "Economics" Textbook

Please note that the "Economics" textbook is not included as part of the package if you order a Combined Materials Pack (printed or ebook versions) as a retaker.

If you need the textbook then please add it to your shopping cart.

SP6 Textbooks

Please note that the textbooks "Financial Calculus: An Introduction To Derivative Pricing" by Baxter & Rennie, and "Options, Futures & Derivatives" by JC Hull, are not included as part of the package if you order a Combined Materials Pack (printed or ebook versions) as a retaker .

If you need the textbooks then please add them to your shopping cart.

SP9 Textbooks

Please note that the textbooks "Enterprise Risk Management From Incentives to Controls" by Lam, and "Financial Enterprise Risk Management" by Sweeting, are not included as part of the package if you order a Combined Materials Pack (printed or ebook versions) as a retaker.

If you need the textbooks then please add them to your shopping cart.


Please note that ActEd only ships printed copies of Mock Exams and does not send out ebook versions. Delivery of Mock Exams papers is usually within 4-5 working days of ordering.

If you want to order a Mock Exam and submit it for marking then please be aware that the date is now close to the XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking final deadline (). You must take into account the 4-5 working days shipping time and decide whether it is possible to complete and submit your mock exam in time for marking.

Any mock exam papers submitted on the Mock Exam Marking service after the final deadline will be returned unmarked. At this time if you need to have your mock exam marked then we recommend that you purchase Marking Vouchers.

XSAFRICAN Marked Assignment Project

Please note that ActEd only ships printed copies of Marked Assignment Project (A and B) and does not send out ebook versions. Delivery of MAP papers is usually within 4-5 working days of ordering.

If you want to order MAP and submit it for marking then please be aware that the date is now close to the XSAFRICAN MAP final deadline (). You must take into account the 4-5 working days shipping time and decide whether it is possible to complete and submit your mock exam in time for marking.

Any submissions on the MAP marking service after the final deadline will be returned unmarked.


Please note that XSAFRICAN MyTest expires at the end of April 2024.

If you are studying for the September exam session this year and would like to order MyTest, then we recommend that you delay your purchase until after the middle of May 2024.


Please note that XSAFRICAN MyTest expires at the end of May 2024.

If you are studying for the September exam session this year and would like to order MyTest, then we recommend that you delay your purchase until after May 2018.


Please note that XSAFRICAN MyTest expires at the end of September 2024.

If you are studying for the April exam session next year and would like to order MyTest, then we recommend that you delay your purchase until after the middle of October 2024.

XSAFRICAN Series X or Y Marking

Please note that some or all of the deadlines for XSAFRICAN Series X / Y Marking have passed.

If you are studying for the September exam session this year and would like to order X / Y Marking, then please delay your purchase of marking until the end of April 2024. You may still order your materials now.

XSAFRICAN Series X or Y Marking

Please note that some or all of the deadlines for XSAFRICAN Series X / Y Marking have passed.

If you are studying for the 2025 exams and would like to order X / Y Marking then please delay your purchase until mid September.


If you want to complete a Mock Exam and submit it for marking then it is now too late to use Mock Exam Marking, becase the final deadline date for XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking was .

If you need to have your mock exam marked then you must now use Marking Vouchers.

XSAFRICAN Marked Assignment Project

If you want to complete a MAP and submit it for marking then it is now too late to use MAP marking, becase the final deadline date for XSAFRICAN MAP was .

XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking

The date is now close to the XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking deadline ().

If you submit your mock exam later than then it will be returned unmarked.

At this late stage we recommend that you use Marking Vouchers.

XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking

The deadline date for XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking was . This means that XSAFRICAN Mock Exam Marking can no longer be used in this study session and you should not order it.

If you need to have your mock exam marked then please use Marking Vouchers.

CA1 standard Series X Marking

This assignment series provides a comprehensive tool to help you with your exam preparation and is ActEd's recommended option. There are 10 assignments ranging between 80 and 100 marks in length.

CA1 Series X Marking, the essential five

This consists of five assignments, ranging from 80 to 100 marks, for you to attempt and submit for marking. Each assignment tests key topics in two parts of the course material, and may be a good intermediate option for you.

The questions have been hand-picked from the standard X Assignments as the most useful ones to have marked, focussing on key developmental skills.

2019 Exams

You probably don't need reminding that the IFoA launches its new education strategy next year (details at

Given the transition arrangements, the main situation to try to avoid is completing CT1 or CT5 without the other, or completing only one of CT4 or CT6. If you would like some help or support deciding which subjects to study this summer, then we recommend discussing the alternatives with other students using ActEd's Discussion Forum.

As usual, we are planning to release our materials for the 2019 exams towards the end of September. Due to the volume of changes required, we are likely to be offering a slightly slimmer product range than we have now, but the vast majority of our most popular products should be completed and ready to use for the April 2019 exams.

CMP Upgrades are only likely to be available in subjects CP2-3 SP1-2 and SP5-9, but retaker discounts will be available in all subjects.

Please email if you have any queries.