Investigation into possible plagiarism

The IFoA's Disciplinary Board report for 2020 is STILL not out, despite probably having been reviewed and approved by the IFoA Council at its meeting in June, almost 6 weeks ago. Nor are the Council's minutes of it March 2021 yet available, despite almost certainly having been approved at that June meeting. This is poor governance.

In the absence of the Disciplinary Board's report for 2020, it is still impossible to know how many students faced disciplinary charges from accusations of plagiarism. This increases the uncertainty for those students accused of plagiarism, many of whom may well have been falsely accused. Again, this is poor treatment/behaviour by the IFoA.
If they decided to close the exam bookings by 30th of July, and they haven't declared the investigation results.
How are we left with enough time to figure out if we want to further make an appeal etc.?
What is IFoA trying to do anymore with the exams and the way they are conducted?
Has it just become a business to mint money, without any integrity on the institute's part
If they decided to close the exam bookings by 30th of July, and they haven't declared the investigation results.
How are we left with enough time to figure out if we want to further make an appeal etc.?
What is IFoA trying to do anymore with the exams and the way they are conducted?
Has it just become a business to mint money, without any integrity on the institute's part

I think they mentioned in the letter that we could book exams for sept and then receive a refund depending on the results. This is obviously not ideal but that's the work around they've provided. I've decided I won't redo the one I'm under investigation for in Sept if I've failed or am disqualified from it, I'll do it some other time, too much hassle this close to Sept.
I just got the reply now and they just said we found you guilty and cannot let you sit in Sept 2021 exam . Even if iI appear any exam from any other professional institute , exemption will not be provided. Really feel like IFOA has really lost its professional status for me. Its very generic answer they have provided.
I just got the reply now and they just said we found you guilty and cannot let you sit in Sept 2021 exam . Even if iI appear any exam from any other professional institute , exemption will not be provided. Really feel like IFOA has really lost its professional status for me. Its very generic answer they have provided.

Hi, sorry to hear this. I also got the same response. Disqualified from the exam & not able to sit any exams for 6 months i.e. no sept sitting. Certainly not the response I was expecting. Would be interested if this has happened to other people, free free to PM me.
Sorry @Greentea & @solid to hear this.

Same response for me too. Really disappointed in the IFOA, it seems like a blanket response as of now, unless others received any different.

I am just done with the online version of exams, oh wait, I can’t as face to face isn’t likely in the future.

If definitions are not verbatim - you’re penalised. If they are, then you are accused of plagiarism. Can’t win either way!!!

Would this mean we get a refund for exams booked if different from the accused one as not allowed to take the sitting in Sept?, I remember reading but just can’t think straight anymore today.
Sorry @Greentea & @solid to hear this.

Same response for me too. Really disappointed in the IFOA, it seems like a blanket response as of now, unless others received any different.

I am just done with the online version of exams, oh wait, I can’t as face to face isn’t likely in the future.

If definitions are not verbatim - you’re penalised. If they are, then you are accused of plagiarism. Can’t win either way!!!

Would this mean we get a refund for exams booked if different from the accused one as not allowed to take the sitting in Sept?, I remember reading but just can’t think straight anymore today.

Sorry to hear that, I know how you're feeling! I expect to receive a refund for Sept exam entries. I will PM you
Is anyone thinking of appeal against this decision, will it be helpful?
Sorry to hear that, I know how you're feeling! I expect to receive a refund for Sept exam entries. I will PM you
Please PM me too, refund will be processed automatically or we need to write an email, any idea?
I will not appeal, as I received a warning. Already registered for the examination. Best approach for future is to use your own words only for all answers.
I will not appeal, as I received a warning. Already registered for the examination. Best approach for future is to use your own words only for all answers.
Hi Ashwin, understand you just got warning so it means you are eligible for next attempt thats why you are not appealing, but we got email that we cannot appear so thinking to appeal .
Hi Ashwin, understand you just got warning so it means you are eligible for next attempt thats why you are not appealing, but we got email that we cannot appear so thinking to appeal .
I concur. All the best everyone.
so in my case they dropped the plagiarism charges but didnt pass me.
I don't understand this that when you dont have to pass a candidate, why cause so much mental harassment because of a software?
They are not even reviewing it themselves before they send the plagiarism email to their members.
It has become such a hopeless institute. I am almost ashamed that I chose IFoA and they are being so hypocritical in giving us a lecture on integrity when they can't figure out the right way of conducting exams online or even treating their members right.
so in my case they dropped the plagiarism charges but didnt pass me.
I don't understand this that when you dont have to pass a candidate, why cause so much mental harassment because of a software?
They are not even reviewing it themselves before they send the plagiarism email to their members.
It has become such a hopeless institute. I am almost ashamed that I chose IFoA and they are being so hypocritical in giving us a lecture on integrity when they can't figure out the right way of conducting exams online or even treating their members right.
Sorry to hear that.
Hey Guys!
Can anyone help me with this - if they have ever made an appeal against IFoA results and if it was successful?
I would talk to your employer and ask for them to instruct a solicitor on your behalf. Don't let the IFoA get away with this. If you judicially reviewed their decision, I think either they would lose or they would drop the case to avoid the hassle.
It seems very concerning that effectively the IFoA is now operating a secondary disciplinary process outside its official disciplinary scheme, with no published process and it seems little regard to fairness or natural justice. Who approved this secondary process and when? Is this one of many things approved by IFoA Council at is March or June meetings the minutes of which are still not available? Why weren't members informed/consulted?

Yet another instance where the IFoA seems to be making rules up as it goes along.
The process of investigation into inappropriate conduct during examinations is published in the IFoA's Assessment Regulations. All students should be aware of these.
Curious to know what others think of this. They published the post-exam survey results last week. I'll leave the excerpts I found interesting below. I would say the fact 1 in 4 students answered they did not find the plagiarism guide easy to understand quite telling. Also they admit the timing on guidance was poor and have apologised for this. They say they are publishing more information in August.

Plagiarism and referencing guidance

Candidates reported concerns around the timing of the plagiarism and referencing guidance leading up to the April 2021 exams. We recognise the timings of this email so close to the exam sitting were less than ideal and apologised for any anxiety caused. In the weeks leading up to the exam session, several candidates had requested further details on referencing or using citations within their paper. A decision was made that it would be fair that this guidance is provided for all candidates.

It is important to note that the vast majority of candidates do not need to use referencing or citation within their paper. We expect candidates to answer the questions in their own words. The use of external source material should be used to help support a candidate’s answer, instead of being used as a significant part of their answer. In August, we will be providing candidates additional information about how the IFoA investigates plagiarism.

IFoA Communication

  • 94% of candidates understood the arrangements for the April exam sitting
  • 90% of candidates felt the IFoA kept them informed of developments leading up to the exam session.
  • 86% of candidates reported the new ‘Exam Handbook’ was useful to their exam preparation.
  • 85% of candidates felt our information was presented clearly on the website.
  • 91% of candidates felt we provided all the information required for the exams via email ahead of the exam session.
  • 74% of candidates felt the plagiarism and referencing guide easy to understand.