Report Structure

Discussion in 'CP3' started by dannyp123, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. dannyp123

    dannyp123 Keen member

    Hi quick question on the structure of a report.

    It says there should be a HEADER in the report.
    Does this mean actually inserting a heading in the word document used? (As this header will appear throughout the whole document, so the header will be present when answering question 2 as well, which seems a bit odd to me) - OR when it says 'header' does it just mean writing free style at the top of the page, without actually using the 'header' functionality in word?

    Other question is that in chapter 8 of the course notes it provides the structure for a report, and it says that somewhere (either in exec summary or end of the report) there should be:
    Authors name
    Authors capacity
    Authors contact details

    Now coming back to the header for a moment, it says that the header should include:
    Report title
    Who it is addressed to
    Who it is commissioned by (isnt this the same as the authors name in the above list??)

    To me it feels like ALL of the above should just go into the header??
    Can you advise?

  2. Lindsay Smitherman

    Lindsay Smitherman ActEd Tutor Staff Member

  3. dannyp123

    dannyp123 Keen member

    Thanks Lindsay. There was another question in there around what to put in the header. Would you bundle all of the above into the header?
  4. Lindsay Smitherman

    Lindsay Smitherman ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    There aren't hard and fast rules about this sort of thing - but all of the above seem like important things to be made clear within the report somewhere. I would be aiming to include that second list within the header of a report, to make them stand out clearly right from the start. And yes, if you are including your name in the header you might decide to include your job title there too.

    It doesn't feel quite so neat to have the contact details within the header. So if you are taking a top-down approach, you might find that it would work better to include them within the executive summary. For a bottom-up approach, they would sit more naturally at the end, when you offer further assistance.

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