Similarity between SP2 and F102 (South African equivalent)

Discussion in 'SP2' started by Jacques, May 3, 2024.

  1. Jacques

    Jacques Made first post

    I’ve found the UK syllabus compared to the equivalet South African subject is near identical for CP1 and A311. The flashcards, ASET, and reveiw books aren’t available for A311, so I used the CP1 additional study material without any trouble. (Added a few local examples to maybe 5 flashcards.)

    Does anyone know how significant the overlap between SP2 and F201 is? I’d love to make use of the UK additional resources again.
  2. Mark Willder

    Mark Willder ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi Jacques

    I assume that you meant Subject F102, as F201 is about healthcare.

    Subject F102 contains largely the same material as the UK Subject SP2 (which covers insurance products contingent on human life). Subject F102 also contains some material covered by the UK Subject SP1 (which covers insurance products contingent on human health). However, Subject F101 contains the majority of material covered by the UK Subject SP1.

    So the revision products for the UK Subject SP2 would give good coverage of the Subject F102 Syllabus for insurance products contingent on human life, but miss out the elements of the F102 syllabus covered in Subject SP1. Revision products for Subject SP2 include Revision Notes, Flashcards, Sound Revision, ASET and Mock Exams.

    Subject F102 has 36 chapters (plus a glossary). 31 of these chapters are similar to SP2 and 4 chapters are similar to SP1. Subject F102 contains one chapter (actuarial funding) that is not covered in SP1 or SP2. so I would say that SP2 covers a little over three-quarters of the F102 course.

    Best wishes

  3. Jacques

    Jacques Made first post

    Thank you Mark!
    31 out of 36 chapters sounds like very good coverage to me too!
    (Yes, I means F102. Got it right in the title, but mixed it up in the post.)

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