Why Hold Reserves ?

Discussion in 'CT5' started by sahildh, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. sahildh

    sahildh Member

    In page no. - 21 of chapter 5 it says -
    "Although on average the cost of the benefit is increasing over the term, the
    premiums that pay for these benefits are level. This means that the premiums
    received in the early years of a contract are more than enough to pay the benefits
    that fall due in those early years. But in the later years, and particularly in the
    last year of an endowment assurance policy, the premiums are too small to pay
    for the benefits. "

    Why does it say that the premiums are sufficient to pay for benefits in the previous years, rather the premiums are calculated on the basis of benefits and are spread over the specified term period; and also the benefits are fixed in advance at the beginning of the insurance contract ?
    Can someone please explain me the meaning of this sentence ??:confused::(
  2. Hemant Rupani

    Hemant Rupani Senior Member

    Well! We Start with a numerical example,
    Consider an endowment policy for term 20 years to some identical policyholders.
    Let Benefit be fix 100,000 but it's basis is AM92 @4%
    Net Premium pa(for simplicity)=100000×0.46433/13.927=3334.03
    Now, you can see that(in page 78 of tables) for age less than 53, Expected cost of benefit per year is lower than premium. From 53 Excpected cost of benefit per year outweighs premium.

    Note: "the premiums are calculated on the basis of benefits and are spread over the specified term period; and also the benefits are fixed in advance at the beginning of the insurance contract" doesn't show the need for holding reserves.

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