withprofits fund

Discussion in 'SP2' started by Bidza, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Bidza

    Bidza Member

    Hie guys.What exactly is the withprofits fund?
  2. Mike Lewry

    Mike Lewry Member


    A with-profits fund (WPF) is a fund that the insurance company uses to write its with-profis business into. It could also write other business in this fund as well, in which case, it might be the only business fund the company has.

    In addition to a WPF, a company might have a separate non-profit fund that only contains without-profits and unit-linked business. In fact, it could have several of each if it has gone through structural changes, mergers and takeovers in the past.

    A proprietary will also have a shareholders' fund as well, that shareholders' profits from the business funds are transferred into, before being paid out to the shareholders as a regular stream of dividends.

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