Core Principles

We have a range of study materials that you can use when sitting Subject CM1. We have broken the materials down into those that we consider to be 'essential' and 'highly recommended' plus those products which can make your revision very effective. Students learn in different ways so you will need to read the details of each product to see what will work for you.

We've produced an introductory video for students sitting Subjects CM1 and CM2.

For advice about which products to choose, please read our product guide. Advice on the exams, revision and our products is also available in our Tutor Talk videos.

If you are sitting Subject CM1 as a non-member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, please click If you are sitting Subject CM1 as a non-member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, please clickhere.

Product Description More information
Combined Materials Pack (CMP) Ideal for those sitting the subject for the first time. It comprises the Study Guide, Course Notes, Series X Assignments, Mock Exam and Paper B Online Resources (PBOR incorporating the Series Y Assignments). This is available in eBook or paper format (except PBOR and the Mock Exam, which are either eBooks or accessed via the Hub). Please refer to our CMP page.
Product Description More information
Tuition Face-to-face/Live Online/Online Classroom Choose from a Regular Tutorial, Block Tutorial or Online Classroom. Tutorials will focus on, and develop the skills required for the written Paper A. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Preparation Days Face-to-face/Live Online Students wishing for some additional tutor support for Paper B, working through exam-style question, may wish to attend a Preparation Day. These will be available Live Online or face-to-face, where students will need to bring their own device capable of running Excel or R as required. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Series X Marking / Marking vouchers We are happy to mark your attempts at the X Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. X Marking is not included with the Assignments or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Series Y Marking / Marking vouchers Preparation for the computer-based Paper B. We are happy to mark your attempts at the Y Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. Y Marking is not included with the Paper B Online Resources (PBOR) or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Mock Exam An exam-standard Paper A and Paper B to use as a realistic test of your exam preparation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here for more Mock Exam information for more information.
Mock Exam Marking Feedback on your weaknesses and areas needing more attention is really useful as you approach the exam. Marking is not included with the Mock and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Mock Exam Marking page for information such as deadline dates.
Additional Mock Pack (AMP) Consists of two further mock exams and it is ideal if you are retaking and have already sat the Mock Exam, or if you just want some extra question practice. AMP is only available as an eBook. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Product Description More information
Revision Notes A set of A5 booklets which are perfect for revising on the train or tube to work. Each booklet covers one main theme of the course and includes: Core Reading with a set of integrated short questions; relevant past exam questions and solutions; plus other useful revision aids. These are available in eBook or paper format. These can be particularly useful for retakers. See the Revision Notes page to read more details about this product.
ASET Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. for further guidance.
The Vault The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions. The questions are broken down by topic and by year. The Vault is accessed via The Hub. See The Vault page for more details about this product.
Flashcards A set of A6-sized cards that cover the key points of the subject that most students want to commit to memory. These are available in eBook or paper format. The Flashcards page has more information.

This guide explains how to use Table Mode on Casio calculators. Table Mode is useful for solving questions involving trial and error, which are common in Subject CM1. The guide is available here is the guide for Table Mode.

We have compiled some of the key formulae you may need to answer questions throughout the Subject CM1 course, which can be accessed hereis the guide for Formulae sheet.

The following cross reference grid lists the IFoA exam questions on Chapters 1-11 from April 2000 to Sept 2018 sorted by topics.

Download CM1 cross reference grid

Practising exam questions by topics is a key strategy for passing the exam.

If you want quick access to all CM1 exam questions sorted by year and topics, together with their solutions (both IFoA and ActEd) then you may wish to consider purchasing the CM1 Vault. A new online resource designed to help students.

Check out The Vault

We have a range of study materials that you can use when sitting Subject CM2. We have broken the materials down into those that we consider to be 'essential' and 'highly recommended' plus those products which can make your revision very effective. Students learn in different ways so you will need to read the details of each product to see what will work for you.

We've produced an introductory video for students sitting Subjects CM1 and CM2.

For advice about which products to choose, please read our product guide. Advice on the exams, revision and our products is also available in our Tutor Talk videos.

Subject CM2 relies heavily on material from both Subjects CS1 and CM1. For example:

  • CS1 :
    • Continuous and discrete random variables
    • PDFs
    • CDFs
    • Calculating moments and probabilities
    • Correlation
    • Linear regression
  • CM1 :
    • Discounting / Accumulating
    • Forward and spot interest rates

There are less fundamental dependencies on material in Subjects CB2 and CS2.

We strongly recommend that you only order materials in respect of Subject CM2 if you:
  • have already studied Subjects CS1 and CM1
  • are studying these subjects alongside Subject CM2
  • have exemptions from these subjects from University.
Product Description More information
Combined Materials Pack (CMP) Ideal for those sitting the subject for the first time. It comprises the Study Guide, Course Notes, Series X Assignments, Mock Exam and Paper B Online Resources (PBOR incorporating the Series Y Assignments). This is available in eBook or paper format (except PBOR and the Mock Exam, which are either eBooks or accessed via the Hub). Please refer to our CMP page.
Product Description More information
Tuition Face-to-face/Live Online/Online Classroom Choose from a Regular Tutorial, Block Tutorial or Online Classroom. Tutorials will focus on, and develop the skills required for the written Paper A. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Preparation Days Face-to-face /Live Online Students wishing for some additional tutor support for Paper B, working through exam-style question, may wish to attend a Preparation Day. These will be available Live Online or face-to-face, where students will need to bring their own device capable of running Excel or R as required. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Series X Marking / Marking vouchers We are happy to mark your attempts at the X Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. X Marking is not included with the Assignments or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Series Y Marking / Marking vouchers Preparation for the computer-based Paper B. We are happy to mark your attempts at the Y Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. Y Marking is not included with the Paper B Online Resources (PBOR) or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Mock Exam An exam-standard Paper A and Paper B to use as a realistic test of your exam preparation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here for more information on Mock Exam for more information.
Mock Exam Marking Feedback on your weaknesses and areas needing more attention is really useful as you approach the exam. Marking is not included with the Mock and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Mock Exam Marking page for information such as deadline dates.
Additional Mock Pack (AMP) Consists of two further mock exams and it is ideal if you are retaking and have already sat the Mock Exam, or if you just want some extra question practice. AMP is only available as an eBook. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Product Description More information
Revision Notes A set of A5 booklets which are perfect for revising on the train or tube to work. Each booklet covers one main theme of the course and includes: Core Reading with a set of integrated short questions; relevant past exam questions and solutions; plus other useful revision aids. These are available in eBook or paper format. These can be particularly useful for retakers. See the Revision Notes page to read more details about this product.
ASET Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. for further guidance.
The Vault The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions. The questions are broken down by topic and by year. The Vault is accessed via The Hub. See The Vault page for more details about this product.
Flashcards A set of A6-sized cards that cover the key points of the subject that most students want to commit to memory. These are available in eBook or paper format. The Flashcards page has more information.

We have a range of study materials that you can use when sitting Subject CS1. We have broken the materials down into those that we consider to be 'essential' and 'highly recommended' plus those products which can make your revision very effective. Students learn in different ways so you will need to read the details of each product to see what will work for you.

For advice about which products to choose, please read our product guide. Advice on the exams, revision and our products is also available in our Tutor Talk videos.

If you are sitting Subject CS1 as a non-member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, please click If you are sitting Subject CS1 as a non-member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, please clickhere.

If you are struggling with the assumed knowledge for Subject CS1 please click If you are struggling with the assumed knowledge for Subject CS1 please clickhere.

Product Description More information
Combined Materials Pack (CMP) Ideal for those sitting the subject for the first time. It comprises the Study Guide, Course Notes, Series X Assignments, Mock Exam and Paper B Online Resources (PBOR incorporating the Series Y Assignments). This is available in eBook or paper format (except PBOR and the Mock Exam, which are either eBooks or accessed via the Hub). Please refer to our CMP page.
Product Description More information
Tuition Face-to-face/Live Online/Online Classroom Choose from a Regular Tutorial, Block Tutorial or Online Classroom. Tutorials will focus on, and develop the skills required for the written Paper A. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Preparation Days Face-to-face /Live Online Students wishing for some additional tutor support for Paper B, working through exam-style question, may wish to attend a Preparation Day. These will be available Live Online or face-to-face, where students will need to bring their own device capable of running Excel or R as required. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Series X Marking / Marking vouchers We are happy to mark your attempts at the X Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. X Marking is not included with the Assignments or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Series Y Marking / Marking vouchers Preparation for the computer-based Paper B. We are happy to mark your attempts at the Y Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. Y Marking is not included with the Paper B Online Resources (PBOR) or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Mock Exam An exam-standard Paper A and Paper B to use as a realistic test of your exam preparation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here for more information on Mock Exam for more information.
Mock Exam Marking Feedback on your weaknesses and areas needing more attention is really useful as you approach the exam. Marking is not included with the Mock and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Mock Exam Marking page for information such as deadline dates.
Additional Mock Pack (AMP) Consists of two further mock exams and it is ideal if you are retaking and have already sat the Mock Exam, or if you just want some extra question practice. AMP is only available as an eBook. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Product Description More information
Revision Notes A set of A5 booklets which are perfect for revising on the train or tube to work. Each booklet covers one main theme of the course and includes: Core Reading with a set of integrated short questions; relevant past exam questions and solutions; plus other useful revision aids. These are available in eBook or paper format. These can be particularly useful for retakers. See the Revision Notes page to read more details about this product.
ASET Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click herefor further guidance on ASET for further guidance.
The Vault The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions. The questions are broken down by topic and by year. The Vault is accessed via The Hub. See The Vault page for more details about this product.
Flashcards A set of A6-sized cards that cover the key points of the subject that most students want to commit to memory. These are available in eBook or paper format. The Flashcards page has more information.
In the syllabus for Subject CS1 there are several areas of assumed knowledge:
  • Summarise a set of data using a table or frequency distribution and display it graphically
  • Describe the location and spread of a set of data
  • Calculate the skewness of a set of data
  • Probability and Bayes' Theorem
  • Discrete and continuous random variables

This assumed knowledge is not covered in any of the CS1 materials.

If you need a reminder of this material then there is a free chapter to download containing notes, questions and solutions.

Download CS1 Chapter 0 Assumed Knowledge.

The following cross reference grid lists the IFoA exam questions from April 2000 to Sept 2018 sorted by topics.

Download CS1 cross reference grid

Practising exam questions by topics is a key strategy for passing the exam.

If you want quick access to these exam questions sorted by year and topics, together with their solutions (both IFoA and ActEd) then you may wish to consider purchasing the CS1 Vault. A new online resource designed to help students.

Check out The Vault

We have a range of study materials that you can use when sitting Subject CS2. We have broken the materials down into those that we consider to be 'essential' and 'highly recommended' plus those products which can make your revision very effective. Students learn in different ways so you will need to read the details of each product to see what will work for you.

For advice about which products to choose, please read our product guide. Advice on the exams, revision and our products is also available in our Tutor Talk videos.

Product Description More information
Combined Materials Pack (CMP) Ideal for those sitting the subject for the first time. It comprises the Study Guide, Course Notes, Series X Assignments, Mock Exam and Paper B Online Resources (PBOR incorporating the Series Y Assignments). This is available in eBook or paper format (except PBOR and the Mock Exam, which are either eBooks or accessed via the Hub). Please refer to our CMP page.
Product Description More information
Tuition Face-to-face/Live Online/Online Classroom Choose from a Regular Tutorial, Block Tutorial or Online Classroom. Tutorials will focus on, and develop the skills required for the written Paper A. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Preparation Days Face-to-face /Live Online Students wishing for some additional tutor support for Paper B, working through exam-style question, may wish to attend a Preparation Day. These will be available Live Online or face-to-face, where students will need to bring their own device capable of running Excel or R as required. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Series X Marking / Marking vouchers We are happy to mark your attempts at the X Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. X Marking is not included with the Assignments or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Series Y Marking / Marking vouchers Preparation for the computer-based Paper B. We are happy to mark your attempts at the Y Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. Y Marking is not included with the Paper B Online Resources (PBOR) or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Mock Exam An exam-standard Paper A and Paper B to use as a realistic test of your exam preparation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click herefor more information on Mock Exam for more information.
Mock Exam Marking Feedback on your weaknesses and areas needing more attention is really useful as you approach the exam. AMP is only available as an eBook. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Additional Mock Pack (AMP) Consists of two further mock exams and it is ideal if you are retaking and have already sat the Mock Exam, or if you just want some extra question practice. This is available in eBook or paper format. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Product Description More information
Revision Notes A set of A5 booklets which are perfect for revising on the train or tube to work. Each booklet covers one main theme of the course and includes: Core Reading with a set of integrated short questions; relevant past exam questions and solutions; plus other useful revision aids. These are available in eBook or paper format. These can be particularly useful for retakers. See the Revision Notes page to read more details about this product.
ASET Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click herefor further guidance on ASET for further guidance.
The Vault The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions. The questions are broken down by topic and by year. The Vault is accessed via The Hub. See The Vault page for more details about this product.
Flashcards A set of A6-sized cards that cover the key points of the subject that most students want to commit to memory. These are available in eBook or paper format. The Flashcards page has more information.

We have a range of study materials that you can use when sitting Subject CB1. We have broken the materials down into those that we consider to be 'essential' and 'highly recommended' plus those products which can make your revision very effective. Students learn in different ways so you will need to read the details of each product to see what will work for you.

We've produced an introductory video for students sitting Subject CB1:

For advice about which products to choose, please read our product guide. Advice on the exams, revision and our products is also available in our Tutor Talk videos.

Product Description More information
Combined Materials Pack (CMP) Ideal for those sitting the subject for the first time. It comprises the Study Guide, Course Notes, Series X Assignments and Mock Exam. This is available in eBook or paper format (except the Mock Exam which is only an eBook). Please refer to our CMP page.
Product Description More information
Tuition Face-to-face/Live Online/Online Classroom Choose from a Regular Tutorial, Block Tutorial or Online Classroom. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Series X Marking / Marking vouchers We are happy to mark your attempts at the X Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. X Marking is not included with the Assignments or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Mock Exam An exam-standard paper to use as a realistic test of your exam preparation. This is available in eBook format. Click herefor more information on Mock Exam for more information.
Mock Exam Marking Feedback on your weaknesses and areas needing more attention is really useful as you approach the exam. Marking is not included with the Mock and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Mock Exam Marking page for information such as deadline dates.
Additional Mock Pack (AMP) Consists of two further mock exams and it is ideal if you are retaking and have already sat the Mock Exam, or if you just want some extra question practice. AMP is only available as an eBook. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Product Description More information
Flashcards A set of A6-sized cards that cover the key points of the subject that most students want to commit to memory. These are available in eBook or paper format. The Flashcards page has more information.
ASET Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. for further guidance.
The Vault The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions. The questions are broken down by topic and by year. The Vault is accessed via The Hub. See The Vault page for more details about this product.

In this video we talk about the proposed changes to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries CB1 and CB2 exam structure, and the recent delay to those proposals. This video covers the impact for the September 2023 exam sitting.

We have a range of study materials that you can use when sitting Subject CB2. We have broken the materials down into those that we consider to be 'essential' and 'highly recommended' plus those products which can make your revision very effective. Students learn in different ways so you will need to read the details of each product to see what will work for you.

For advice about which products to choose, please read our product guide. Advice on the exams, revision and our products is also available in our Tutor Talk videos. Note, however, that our advice for Subject CB2 is slightly different from that given for other Core Principles subjects because it is based on a textbook rather than standard Core Reading. As a result, we think you will find the Flashcards especially useful.

CB2 includes some new topics that used to be on the pre-2010 syllabus and hence some of the older CT7 questions are useful for revision. A number of the relevant questions are listed on the CB2 Forum.

Product Description More information
Combined Materials Pack (CMP) Ideal for those sitting the subject for the first time. It comprises the Study Guide, Course Notes,Textbook, Mock Exam and Series X Assignments.

This subject has moved away from the traditional "Core Reading" approach. Instead, the majority of the Core Reading is replaced by references to the textbook.

Economics by J. Sloman, J Guest and D Garratt (11th Ed), ISBN 978-1-292-40533-9 (print), ISBN 978-1-292-40540-7 (eBook, reflowable format).

As a result ActEd's Course Notes are not intended to be used as a stand-alone course. Instead, the notes provide guidance through the reading, along with advice and question practice in preparation for the examination. End of chapter/module Practice Questions and a set of Series X Assignments have been produced.

You can purchase the textbook separately if you wish to.

The CMP (including the textbook) is available in print or as eBooks.

If you are buying the CB2 CMP then we think you will find the Flashcards particularly useful given the size of the new textbook.

Product Description More information
Tuition Face-to-face/Live Online/Online Classroom Choose from a Regular Tutorial, Block Tutorial or Online Classroom. Please click here for further details of the types of tuition and the Tuition Bulletin which details the courses available.
Series X Marking / Marking vouchers We are happy to mark your attempts at the X Assignments. Objective, personalised feedback from a high quality marker will highlight areas on which to work and help with exam technique. X Marking is not included with the Assignments or the CMP and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Marking page to get more details of how you can get your scripts marked.
Mock Exam An exam-standard paper to use as a realistic test of your exam preparation. This is available in eBook format. Click herefor more information on Mock Exam for more information.
Mock Exam Marking Feedback on your weaknesses and areas needing more attention is really useful as you approach the exam. Marking is not included with the Mock and you need to order it separately. Please refer to our Mock Exam Marking page for information such as deadline dates.
Additional Mock Pack (AMP) Consists of two further mock exams and it is ideal if you are retaking and have already sat the Mock Exam, or if you just want some extra question practice. AMP is only available as an eBook. Marking is not included with the AMP and you need to order two Marking Vouchers if you would like the additional mocks marked by ActEd.
Product Description More information
Flashcards A set of A6-sized cards that cover the key points of the subject that most students want to commit to memory. These are available in eBook or paper format. The Flashcards page has more information.
ASET Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. for further guidance.
The Vault The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions. The questions are broken down by topic and by year. The Vault is accessed via The Hub. See The Vault page for more details about this product.

In this video we talk about the proposed changes to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries CB1 and CB2 exam structure, and the recent delay to those proposals. This video covers the impact for the September 2023 exam sitting.